Let’s Kick It Together

‘Let’s Kick It Together’ is a systems-wide campaign co-created through a partnership between Mums2Be Smokefree; a community-based service of Somerset County Council, and the midwifery services at Somerset Foundation Trust and Yeovil District Hospital.

The 12-month campaign was launched on 25th May  2022 with a hook to World No Tobacco Day on 31 May.

How does the service work?

In 2021, the National Target for Smoking at Time of Delivery was set at 4% or below by 2026 (after it failed the original target of 6% or below by 2022). Somerset rates were 10.5% which was 1% above the National Average.

‘Let’s Kick It Together’ was set up to help improve the health of the whole family by enabling smokefree pregnancies and homes. Taking a family well-being approach, this systems-wide campaign aims to raise awareness of the risks, and benefits of not, smoking pre, during, and post-pregnancy.

It enables increased self-referrals and provider client referrals to the community based Mums2Be Smokefree Service of Somerset County Council.

During 2021 Mums2Be Smokefree received 629 referrals from the midwifery services and self-referrals. 133 of these referrals had declined contact from the service and a further 236 women did not engage.

How does the service benefit the public?

The campaign provides information, free support, treatment, and incentives when needed to expectant parents and their significant others to help them kick their smoking habits, before, during or after pregnancy.

To aid information sharing, the service provides an extensive package of promotional and educational materials in digital and print formats via various community and facility-based hubs across Somerset. The co-branded materials (Somerset County Council, Mums2Be and NHS) include press releases, posters, leaflets, case studies, and a regular newsletter.

The campaign has also been designed  to help  support midwives conducting the difficult conversations around smoking in pregnancy by facilitating a positive, comprehensive, and knowledgeable Very Brief Advice discussion.  (This is designed to inform all pregnant people of the risks of smoking and second-hand smoke in pregnancy).

All midwives received a Practitioner Guide to help increase their awareness of the risks, and benefits of not, smoking during pregnancy, and increasing their healthy conversation skills. This in turn she-centred campaign and materials developedould result in a positive experience for families, who will then be encouraged to engage with the Mums2Be Smokefree Service.






            Key milestones

            • Audience
            • Promotional and educational materials disseminated community and systems-wide
            • 1st Press Release shared locally and nationally

            How have the public/stakeholders been involved?

            A series of focus groups were conducted with key stakeholders – including community representatives (Diversity Voice), families, health visitors, midwives, and Mums2Be Stop Smoking Practitioners – to inform the development of the campaign and the extensive package of promotional and educational materials.

            This participatory approach ensured that the materials were not only suitable but also designed to replicate what families and providers felt were appropriate.

            Working with the public and wider stakeholders enabled:

            • Co-creation and evaluation of an audience-centred (public and provider) campaign and materials.
            • Systems-wide buy-in and support for the campaign

            What challenges did you face along the way?

            The press release was picked up slowly by the media. A further two news releases are planned with stronger news angles.

             Next steps

            • Social Marketing campaign
            • 2nd Press Release
            • Monthly newsletter

            This is a legacy campaign with additional plans developed based on evaluation of the campaign to date.

            Measuring success

            The planned key outcomes are to:

            • Reduce the number of clients declining a Mums2Be referral at the booking appointment with midwives
            • Decrease the number of clients who decline Mums2Be Stop Smoking Practitioner support
            • Increase the number of client referrals to Mums2Be from midwives and other providers
            • Increase the number of client self-referrals to Mums2Be
            • Decrease the number of women and their significant others smoking at the time of delivery
            • Increase the number of smokefree pregnancies and homes in Somerset

            Key benefits for patients/stakeholders

            • An increased understanding among clients/providers/the public of the benefits of not smoking and the risks associated with smoking in pre, during and post pregnancy.
            • Not starting or stopping smoking during pregnancy increases the likelihood of having a well-baby, with a healthy weight and reduces the chance of complications and interventions during pregnancy, birth and beyond.
            • An increase understanding of them Mums2Be Smokefree Service offers which include a free App (My Quit Route), free behavioural support and free treatment when needed – and incentives to motivate and remain quit.
            • Increased signposting and access to stop smoking support.
            • Strengthened care and referral pathway for quitting.
            • Increase in the number of smokefree pregnancies and homes in Somerset.
            • Reduction in cost implications to the NHS.