Together we care.

Health and care organisations across Somerset are working together to deliver better health and care services for people.

Take the pressure off!

What is high blood pressure? What do the numbers really mean, and why is it so important to 'Know Your Numbers'?

Sloppy Slippers

Our ‘Sloppy Slippers’ campaign is designed to give you advice on how you can minimise the risk of falls and the support available if you have a fall.


What is 'Our Somerset'?

Somerset's Integrated Care System (known as Our Somerset) brings together all the organisations responsible for delivering health and care within our communities.

If we work together, we can intervene faster and earlier to keep people well, and offer more joined up support for people facing significant challenges.

case studies

People stories

Read about some of the work we are already doing together.

Our work

We encourage and help people to live healthier, longer lives.

A healthier Somerset

We want to support the health and wellbeing of the people of Somerset.