On 30 January, the NHS in Somerset, launched a public consultation on the future of acute hospital-based stroke services in Somerset. The consultation runs for 12 weeks until midnight on Monday 24 April 2023.
There is one week left for you to tell us your views on the proposed options for the future of hyper acute and acute stroke (the specialist hospital care people receive in the first few days and weeks after having a stroke) services in the county.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time already to participate in the consultation. Your views are important. This public consultation is an opportunity to make your voice heard and tell us what you think of the proposals before we make a final decision on the best way forward. All views are important to us.
No decision has been made yet and we want people to share their views and to help us understand as many different views on our proposals as possible, including potential benefits or impacts, and other ideas or adjustments that could be considered before a decision is made.
This feedback will help us to shape the model of care and provide support to our committed healthcare professionals delivering this vitally important service.
To take part you complete an online or paper questionnaire. To find out more about our proposals and how to respond to the consultation, please visit www.oursomerset.org.uk/stroke