What happens with the feedback?

NHS Somerset is committed to understanding the needs of the local population. This is to ensure we can continue to deliver the best possible healthcare services in Somerset.

We have not made any decisions yet and we will remain open-minded about the solution until after all of the feedback, evidence and information has been gathered and considered.

Now that the consultation has closed, all the feedback gathered will be analysed by an independent research organisation. They’ll prepare a report setting out what people have said about the proposals for the NHS Somerset Board. 

Hearing the views of people throughout the consultation process is an important part of the decision making and will be fully taken into account alongside other essential factors such as clinical, financial and practical considerations. Any decision to proceed with the proposals will be informed by the feedback from the consultation.

The consultation feedback report will help to inform the development of a new Decision-Making Business Case, which will outline what course of action is recommended. The recommended way forward will go to the NHS Somerset Board to enable them to make a final decision.

We’ll continue to share information and updates about this review. We’ll publish the consultation findings report and key papers that will inform decision making. We expect this Board to take place towards the end of the year.

The final decision-making meeting will be held in public to allow those interested to hear the discussion and how the decision is made. We will publish details of this public Board meeting on the NHS Somerset website.