Our findings from our 2020 engagement

NHS Somerset is committed to understanding the needs of the local population. This is to ensure we can continue to deliver the best possible healthcare services in Somerset.

We want to support the health and wellbeing of the people of Somerset, by changing the way we deliver health and care services in the county.

One which will provide services, where practical, closer to where you live, support independence and help you maintain your own health. Your valuable input, ideas and suggestions were a vital first step in helping us to understand what may work and develop our thinking.

As part of this work, in Spring 2020 we invited you to consider an emerging model of community care and same day urgent care

Your valuable input, ideas and suggestions were a vital first step in helping us to understand what may work for you and to help us get the right services in the right place so that they are available when you need them.

During this engagement period, COVID-19 required us to shift our focus to ensure we supported the NHS response to the pandemic. This meant we were unable to share the outcome of this engagement as planned.

We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure we are in a position to continue having meaningful conversations with our communities again when the time is right.

The initial engagement work done in 2020 and the views you shared have been independently analysed and reported upon. You can read the findings below

So what next?

It is really important that we involve our communities in our thinking and our decision making. Be clear on the process we are following and to provide opportunity for meaningful public and stakeholder engagement.

On Monday 27 September we invited people to attend an online session led by Maria Heard Programme Director (Fit for my Future) and Dr Alex Murray, Clinical Director (Fit for my Future).  We would like to thank everyone who attended in the night. For those unable to attend the session we have included a recording below for people to watch.

If you have any questions as a result of the event, please email: somccg.fitformyfuture@nhs.net